

Jamun Kala Khatta – Paper Boat

Jamun Kala Khatta is not quite the Kala Khatta (of chemical Gola stain fame). This Kala Khatta, dark purple and not black, dates all the way back to the year 100 AD. Made at the peak of civilization, this drink was called Raga. Therapeutic as it is tasty, they say Kala Khatta can be used to cure a host of ailments.

A great source of essential minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and sodium, Jamun is the heavy hitter here with anti-diabetic, pro-digestive and skin-clearing properties. A source of iron and Vitamin C, Jamun helps cure anaemia and kill fatigue.



And those who had it, described it as music for the taste buds. (They also described actual music as fragrance for the ear.)

Therapeutic as it is tasty, they say Kala Khatta can be used to cure a host of ailments. (Hangovers? Certainly!) But don’t take our word for it. Try it out. Take a little swig. Fancy a gulp. Infer a chug. Who knows? You might even describe it as a great novel for the nostrils.